Lai Xa Village, Hoai Duc
(Bus pick-up from The French Institute in Hanoi – L’Espace)
16.05, 10:00 – 15:00
* Registration here, 300,000đ/pax, maximum 10, available in English & Vietnamese

Located on the skirt of Hanoi, Lai Xa is home to two wonderful private museums: Nguyen Van Huyen Museum and Lai Xa Photography Museum. The former chronicles the life and career of Nguyen Van Huyen, the very first Minister of Education in Vietnam, whose personal story intertwined with national history. The latter pays homage to the development of studio photography in the 20th century, which emerged here in the once agricultural Lai Xa village. The tour will take participants through hundreds of photographs, objects, and documents in both museums, guided by the founder himself – Dr. Nguyen Van Huy.